Highest number of marques to win a race

Unique Winners # Seasons Factor Points % Seasons Cummulative %
7 1 10 1% 1%
6 6 8 9% 10%
5 8 6 12% 22%
4 21 4 31% 54%
3 22 33% 87%
2 9 13% 100%
  • Once again we see a peak in the 80’s but an improvement since the 90’s doldrums
  • Of particular note, the last two years are the only time in history there have only been two winning marques in consecutive years. This is something we’re all aware of and we hope the (new) powers that be are working hard to rectify. A more level playing field for manufacturer and private teams alike would be a welcome development in our view.  For a good discussion of the issues regarding the current system of revenue allocation among teams read this article by Forbes Magazine

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